How To Become A Blogger - 20 Tips For Beginners

How to become a blogger?
We will cover the basics in this article. Becoming famous on social media – how to? I want to become a social media influencer. I want to get deals with big brands. How do I get a lot of followers? – I hear you. We start with the basics on how to become a blogger here.

Summary: 5 Minutes read, Level: Beginner

How to become a blogger – Here we go!
Everyone joins a social media network for different reasons. Perhaps you want to reconnect with old school friends and people you’ve lost touch with over the years? Probably you want to just watch people but not interact? Maybe you want to use it to escape from real life for a while? Or perhaps you want to be famous? If the last point is true then look no further than this handy, 20 step guide to become a social media influencer and how to become a blogger.

1. Be yourself
Don’t try and be someone else. That being said you should be the best version of yourself you can be. Be the interesting you that you are at parties or when telling a story to your workmates at lunch time.

2. Have something to say
We’ve all seen posts like “I’m bored” or “Eating breakfast”. Unless you’re Justin Bieber nobody cares about these kinds of things and they’re unlikely to catapult you to stardom. Make sure all of your posts have a point. If you have no idea, the keyword planner might be your friend. You can find more ideas at our friends from wikihow.

3. Don’t limit yourself
Most social media accounts can be linked together in some way and you shouldn’t confine yourself to just one. Learn what’s best for Twitter, what works on Facebook and when Instagram is your best option and make sure you’re on top of all your accounts.

4. Keep it regular
If you ask yourself how to become a blogger, here is the key: Any active social media celebrity posts a lot. You need to make sure there are no significant gaps between posts – no more than a couple of days ever. If you want to keep your fans happy you need to update them regularly. If you’re going on holiday you can pre-schedule posts before you go.

5. Be nice
With a few exceptions trolls are never that big a hit online. Don’t post vulgar, inflammatory, sexist or racist posts and don’t be rude to other people in your comments, even if they’re rude to you.

6. Think first
Check what you’re about to post before you hit tweet or post. Might it upset someone or be taken the wrong way? Don’t post it.

7. Engage
Make sure you follow plenty of people and engage with them. If someone @s you in a tweet try always to comment or reply. If someone comments on your Facebook post, like their comment. It keeps everybody happy and cements your reputation as a nice person. Our colleagues from the guardian have some content about that topic too.

8. Help others too
It’s not all about your own relentless self-promotion. Share posts by others too to show that you care.

9. Be funny
Got a good joke? As long as it doesn’t contravene any of the above points about offensiveness then post it. Everyone likes humorous social media influencers.

10. Don’t annoy people
You want people to be aware of your brand, blog or website and you want to promote it. Over-promote and you’ll seem like you’re spamming people. Go easy to avoid an unfollow. Don’t overuse hashtags in posts either. It might help you attract new followers but it could annoy or alienate those you already have.

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How to become a blogger?
Here are the next 10 tips on how to become a blogger or a social media influencer.

11. Be a tease
No, not in a rude way. You can use social media to your advantage with a “coming soon…” or “important announcement coming next week” post. This will create intrigue and a bit of a buzz, but use this tactic sparingly or you’ll be known as the king of the cliffhangers.

12. Consistency is key
As well as posting regularly you should always post in the same voice. That lets people know that you are posting rather than someone else you’re employing to do it. People prefer a person to a faceless team for their social media interaction.

13. Have a snappy bio
A snappy bio is the answer to how to become a blogger. You might not think it’s the most important part of social media, but it’s the first thing a new potential follower might look at. Make sure it says everything you need to in the limited number of characters you’ve got.

14. Spellchecker is your friend
Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your post, that´s an absolute no go for a social media influencer. You might think it’s unimportant but it can be a deal breaker for some followers.

15. Don’t imitate too much
You will want to check out the accounts of other social media influencers to see how they do it. Use them for tips by all means. But don’t try to be them. You’ve got your own style and you don’t want to become someone else.

16. Never steal
This should go without saying, but plenty of people do it. It’s not school to steal a post and try to pass it off as your own. Social media thieves always get found out and never look cool when it happens. Here you can get some ideas on blogging mistakes in a nice video.

17. Timing
Not everyone is on the same timeline as you. Make sure you post content when your followers can see it, not when it’s the middle of the night where they are. Again you can pre-schedule posts if it’s the wrong time of day for you.

18. Change it up
Make sure you use a photo of yourself as your avatar and make it a good one. Then make sure you change it regularly. Anyone who’s anyone switches their profile pic regularly. That can become a talking point among followers too.

19. Be secure
Famous or even semi-famous social media users are often hacked. This can lead to embarrassment if the hackers post something. Treat you social media passwords with the same care as you would your bank PIN to avoid this.

20. Enjoy yourself
The whole social media experience is fun, or it’s meant to be. Keeping it fresh and interacting can be a great source of enjoyment, even for a celebrated social media influencer. Relax, enjoy and don’t overthink the whole process.

And that’s how to become a blogger. You’ll need to put the time in, but it’ll ultimately be worth it when your follower numbers go through the roof and you’ve got people hanging on your every word. You might even need to start disguising yourself when you go out in public!


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