Best Ways to Make Money Online

Best Ways to Make Money Online
The most important thing to understand if you want to make money online is that this is not an overnight project. In order to generate a substantial amount of income you need to dedicate many months (and often years) before you start to build a reliable income. However, if you commit to doing your research and stick to the fundamentals, you WILL be able to make money online. Below we take a look at 10 ways you can make money online!

10 Ways to Make Money Online
1. Email Marketing
Email marketing is the most glamorous but it is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Building an email list creates a pool of potential customers who’ve opted to hear more from you, who you can nurture on a long-term basis. In a nutshell, emails make you money in two ways.

The first is direct email promotions that make money per click and the second is to drive traffic to your site where customers buy your products or services. Building a large subscriber list can take well over a year, but if your serious about trying to make money online the investment is well worth it.

2. Sell a Digital Product
One of the next best ways to make money online is to sell a digital product. Creating a digital product and selling it to customers is a great way to make money online. Right now it seems like everyone is making intangible products, and though that does increase your competition, there is still an opportunity to make money online from products that are unique.

Selling a digital product is as simple as writing up a long work document, providing industry information, turning it into a PDF and selling it. Yet if you want to go the extra mile you could look into having another type of intangible product made like an app.

3. Affiliate Marketing (Promote A Product)
Affiliate marketing has become somewhat of an online moneymaking buzzword, yet it remains one of the most reliable ways to make money online. Affiliate marketing is where you market a product for a third party, and if someone on your site clicks through and buys a product, you get paid a commission (30% is a fairly standard rate).

In order to find an affiliate program you should type the name of a product and “affiliate” into Google, which will bring up an affiliate page if the company has such a program. You’ll want to make sure that any products you promote suit the tastes of your target audience. Using relevant products makes affiliate marketing a lucrative way to make money online.

4. Freemium Content
Another way to make money online is to provide high quality content for free, but exceptional content for a monthly fee. Your free content pique’s their interest and establishes your value, then they decide whether or not they want to opt-in to your “premium” content. Once they’ve opted in, they can join a membership area and have access to your premium content.

What makes this a great way to make money online, is that your free content nurtures your leads into paying for your premium content. Like any of the tricks on the list, you’ll want to make sure that you’re marketing your content in order to drive interest and make money online.

5. Write an eBook
Looking to situate yourself as an authority in your industry AND make money online? Write an eBook. Writing an eBook is one of the best to make money online and develop a passive income. There are two components to a successful eBook; the quality of the content and the size of your audience. An insightful book is nothing without additional marketing.

It’s important to remember that everyone and their mother is writing eBooks in order to make money online, so you need to go the extra mile to produce a book that provides concrete value. Testing the water like this also allows you to tell what your audience finds valuable.

6. Sell Space to Advertisers
It’s no secret that selling space on your website to advertisers can produce a substantial amount of money. There are many different types of adverts you can deploy on your site from Pay Per Click, to Pay Per Time Frame or Pay Per 1000 views. These adverts will then be featured in strategic locations like your banner. There’s a lot of information online so it’s important to do your research before pulling the trigger and buying anything.

7. Sell your Website
Whilst selling your website may not be your first port of call when looking at how to make money online, you might change your mind once you receive a valuation. Generally, a website will sell for 1-2 years revenue, which offers you a great opportunity to snatch up some cash.

If you’re considering selling your site, do you research and give yourself some time to think. It’s better to take sometime to weigh up your decision than to sell your site and regret it!

8. Sell Your Services
For consultative businesses and freelancers selling services is one of main reasons for developing an online presence in the first place. If you want to get more clients, you need to build a blog to start nurtuting your leads and showing off your knowledge of your industry.

In order to make money online through services your online presence has to be on point with SEO and external marketing.  Once you’ve cracked getting a little traffic, a great way to highlight your services is to produce a service page and then provide your audience with information about what you have to offer, supported by glowing testimonials and tied off with a button to buy now!

9. Social Media Marketing
There are many reasons why you should be operating on social media, and social media marketing is one of the biggest reasons why. Using platforms like Facebook, twitter and instagram gives you access to millions of potential customers, without spending a dime.

Yet if you decide to pay, running a targeted social media ad campaign can be an excellent way to make money online. You can pay to have adverts that will show up in cold prospects news feeds.

10. YouTube!
Finally, if you’re looking to make money online you should definitely consider YouTube. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube is not a quick money maker, but it is definitely worth considering as a way to make money online. Not only is it a great way to get your name out there, the marketing revenue generated can be phenomenal.

Posting regular engaging videos with valuable advice will help you to build up an audience of thousands (or millions if you play your cards right). Adding adverts to your videos then allows you to make money online from third party advertisers.


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